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Where to find me?

At the workshop

You are welcome to pay me a visit in my workshop in Prades. If you are passing by the Conflent area, do not hesitate to show up. You can get in touch to make sure I will be there!

Les Poteries de Sylvie - Atelier de poterie, 25 Rue de l'Hospice, 66500 Prades

At the market


Sylvie Lastenouse - poterie artisanale

Every Saturday morning in Prades

From April to December at the Marché des Producteurs (local producers market), place de la République in Prades (66).

In local shops

My pottery is on display in the following shops in the region, alongside other artists' creations and/or local specialties.

 La Galerie des Fabricréateurs, Eus

With around twenty craftsmen and creative artists, we run the association 'Les Fabricréateurs', which promotes local craftsmanship through various markets and a gallery-boutique in the village of Eus. The detour is worthwhile because Eus is classified as one of the most beautiful villages in France. Fun fact: it is also the sunniest village in France! Come visit us and enjoy the scenes.

La Galerie des Fabricréateurs, Cova de les Voltes, 66500 Eus

Open every weekend in May, open every day from June to October and from mid-December to New Year.

El Rastell, collaborative shop of producers, Prades

El Rastell is a direct sales shop entirely run by local producers: farmers, market gardeners, beekeepers... and a potter! There is no middleman, the producers manage the shop from A to Z and take turns at the cash desk. A go-to address for those who wish to consume quality products and take part in a responsible approach.

El Rastell, 142 avenue du Général de Gaulle, 66500 Prades

Open all year round.

Les Halles en Cerdagne, farm products, Err

In this shop located next to a dairy farm in the Pyrenees, you will find high-quality farm products from the region: mountain meats, cheeses, honey and delicacies... The watchword is traceability. The shop works on a fair trade model in close collaboration with local producers.

Les Halles en Cerdagne, RN 116, 66800 Err

Open all year round.

L'Échoppe des Artisans, crafts and local specialties, Saillagouse

Discover artistic creations and local products in this summer pop-up shop. It is set up each year to promote artists and artisans of the Catalan region.

L'Échoppe des Artisans, Jardin de la Mairie, 66800 Saillagouse

Open from mid-June to mid-September.

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